The following Seminars & Workshops are offered by Treehaus. For complete information, contact us toll free at: 800-638-4287, or by e-mail at
The Liturgy of The Word With Children: A Workshop Experience
This workshop is for both new or experienced parish leaders and volunteers who want to learn or update their skills in celebrating the Word with children in keeping with the guidelines of the Directory for Masses with Children.
This workshop provides participants with an experience of the liturgy and time to reflect on the significance of each part of the ritual.
Particular attention is given to the significance of ritual in the spiritual life of children as well as the way to reflect on the scriptures in a liturgical setting.
This workshop is based on recent studies on the spiritual life of children and on the experience of parishes throughout the country who are recognizing the place of children in the assembly. Background text for this workshop is A Child Shall Lead Them by Gerard Pottebaum, Paule Freeburg, D.C., and Joyce Kelleher.
Each workshop is configured to accommodate the community's particular needs. For more information, call 1-800-638-4287 or e-mail
All workshops are designed in cooperation with The Spiritual Life of Children Institute.
Reflecting on The Word With Children:
When celebrating the Word with children, parish leaders often follow classroom teaching methods rather than a liturgical prayer model.
At this "hands on" workshop, participants learn a process of reflecting on the Word that respects the child's innate relationship with God and is appropriate for use in both liturgy as well as catechetical settings.
This workshop is based on the premise that children already have experiences of God's presence in their lives, but they do not have the language with which to share or explore those experiences with others. Workshop participants will explore how to provide children with access to biblical images and metaphors in a way that respects their innate relationship with God and that is worthy of their original experiences of God.
Workshop participants will experience a liturgy of the Word that employs the reflection process. Participants will also explore the significance of celebrating the Word in the spiritual life of the child. Background text for this workshop is To Walk With A Child by Gerard Pottebaum.
Each workshop is configured to accommodate the community's particular needs.
The Spirituality of Childhood Seminar:
Children already possess the kingdom, Jesus tells us. What could he mean?
If children already possess the kingdom, then what are we teaching our children when we "pass on the faith"? We might also ask ourselves as adults: What happened to the kingdom we possessed as children?
The Spirituality of Childhood Seminar explores our original childhood experiences of the sacred and seeks to re-establish a sense of harmony with the presence of the Spirit in our personal lives and in our communities of faith.
Using an experiential learning model, the seminar provides an opportunity for each participant to uncover original symbols and images through which we each encounter the personal presence of God.
The seven hour process involves participants in dialogue groups of about 5 people and is usually limited to 50 participants, although larger groups can be arranged.
This seminar can be configured to include a focus on celebrating the Word and reflecting on the Word with children.